Main Role of the PTA Treasurer
The PTA Treasurer ensures accurate financial records are kept, and that best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking, and making payments. They should keep your committee updated with regular reports, and ensure end-of-year reports are completed for the association’s AGM and, if your PTA is registered as a charity, the relevant Charity Commission’s annual return.
If you have co-Treasurers, both individuals are equally responsible for carrying out the role. If you have a Vice-Treasurer, they will deputise for the PTA Treasurer, and carry out the role if the Treasurer is absent or steps down from their position.
Duties and responsibilities of the PTA Treasurers
- Keeps accurate, up-to-date financial records
- Presents financial updates at each committee meeting
- Manages the PTA bank account, and holds the association cheque book
- Arranges changes of signatories on the association bank account
- Manages different payment platforms such as BOPP
- Ensures all bank cards, cheque books, and paying-in books are accounted for and obtained from any individual leaving the PTA
- Ensures best practice procedures are followed for counting and banking money after events
- Makes approved payments
- Ensures procedures for making approved payments and claiming approved expenses are followed by all committee members
- Prepares the annual Treasurer’s report for your AGM and arranges an independent examination of the association’s accounts
- Completes the relevant Charity Commission’s annual return if your PTA is registered as a charity
- Manages Gift Aid (or assists the committee member responsible for managing Gift Aid)
- Ensures committee members have read a copy of your association’s insurance policy summary, which should detail cash cover, and that they adhere to any guidelines contained in the document
- Basic understanding of bookkeeping – able to maintain accurate records of income and expenditure
- Organised with an eye for detail – big events involve counting a lot of small change. The Treasurer leads the‘money’ team, making up floats, and collecting money from various stalls
- Calm, approachable, and a team player – able to remain calm during busy times. Ensure they don’t work in isolation by communicating regularly with the rest of the committee.
It’s important that the PTA Treasurer sets aside time to keep the accounts up to date on a regular basis. By updating the accounts on a regular basis, the PTA Treasurer will be able to:
- Pick up where they left off last time
- Produce reports for your committee
- Keep track of cash and bank balances
- The number of transactions to be processed
- The Treasurer’s knowledge and understanding of accounting
- What information the committee wants to have
Role of Chair Role of Secretary Role of Treasurer